With the outset of every new year we have the opportunity to renew our passion and our commitment to improving the quality of our lives. This year I have made a commitment to make these improvements by seeking inspiration wherever possible and as often as possible. Once inspired it has been my intention to "pay it forward" and inspire others. This daily quest for inspiration literally has been the foundation of my positive energy and attitude that quite honestly needed a boost.
Thus far the inspiration has come in the form of quotes, articles, songs, TED talks, or from the commitment of the members of my PLN, to improve the quality of education for students throughout the world. Sometimes I look for it and sometimes it finds me. Friday night it found me. It was not my intention to post another blog entry about inspiration or to post another entry during the month of January but than I read the Huffington Post article and watched the (Ted Talk X Mid-Atlantic 2013) about Sam Berns and his philosophy "For a Happy Life". His passion, his positive attitude and his overall philosophy on life moved me, to move the cursors on my keyboard and share his amazing and inspirational story with all of you.
Sam Berns passed away on January 10 after living an amazing life with an amazing attitude, despite insurmountable odds. Early on in his life Sam was diagnosed with a rare aging disease called Progeria that effects approximately 350 children in the world today. Throughout his life he refused to allow his disease to define and limit him but rather used it as a driving force to accomplish things that may have seemed impossible based on his condition. His ability to clear what seemed insurmountable hurdles resulted from being incredibly self motivated and his ability to utilize a loving and supportive family.
The inspirational anecdote that struck me the most was linked to his love for music. After joining the marching band at his high school as a drummer, Sam was told that he could not march with the snare drum due to his weight of just 50 pounds and that he would have to be assigned to the immobile pit percussion section. Devastated, but determined, and undeterred, Sam and his parents hired an engineer. The engineer then designed a 6 pound harness that allowed Sam the mobility that he needed to march in the band and fulfill his dream. This was just one inspiring example of Sam's resiliency despite a medical condition that might have other wise hampered him. His attitude and his "Philosophy for a Happy Life" were indicative of the inspiration and positive energy that apparently defined his character up until his death this past Friday. Sam may have lived for only seventeen years and those that loved and knew him certainly grieve his passing. However his legacy of living life with passion and his ability to inspire others is one worthy of a celebration for the ages. (www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/.../watch-sam-berns-died-porgeria-tedx-2013_n...) Watch My Philosophy for a Happy Life, Inspirational Student Sam Berns (You Tube)
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