Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

                                       (My Thoughts on the First 16 Years of Fatherhood)

1. There is not a more challenging, important or rewarding job on the planet than Parenthood.
2. There have never been better days than those in which I became a husband and a father, each time.
3. I must never underestimate the importance of finding quality time to spend with my children.
4. Listening will always be more important than preaching,
5. As the co-leader of my family, I must model for my children the principles of love, serve, and care.
6. My greatest joys in life come from bearing witness to the achievements and growth of my children.
7. I must continue to learn and become better, ultimately my children will model my teachings as a parent.
8. You can never properly prepare for fatherhood.
9.  Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle" gets more poignant and depressing the older I get.
10. My wife is amazing and extraordinary, her support and wisdom are  "game changers".
11. Teachable moments are always there.
12.I have failed at times and I will fail again, but I must fail forward and never give up, too much is at stake.
13.The challenges never stop coming.
14.There has never been a better example of "on the job training".
15. When I found the "one", I couldn't wait to be one.
16. The love I feel for my wife and my two sons is the driving force in my life.

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