Thursday, July 7, 2016

Why I Write

Recently I read a post authored by my friend and colleague Blake Kilgore. This post was featured as part of colleague Jason Armstrong's "Write on Fight On" website.  In this post Blake details the reasons as to why he feels compelled to write. He is a man who I deeply respect. His writing is rich in substance and reflects strong faith and passion. His depth is what I admire most about him as a person and a writer.  

After reading his post I began to consider the same question Why do I write?. The following post is my comprehensive attempt to provide an answer.

Authenticity- I want my students to develop a life long love of learning. When I write and share my product with my students, I am modeling my life long love of learning and allowing them a glimpse at the benefits.

Passion- Writing gives me an opportunity to share ideas with an audience about topics that excite me and are extremely important to me. These include my family, my students, my craft and other interests. Furthermore my blog has given me a platform in which to reignite my passion for writing.

Inspiration- Since becoming a connected educator I have read hundreds of blog posts, many have left me feeling inspired upon completion. When I write about  topics that I am passionate about, it creates the opportunity for me to return the favor and inspire my audience. Each time that I craft a new post it is my sincere hope that I can elevate the spirit of my readers.

Tribute- My blog " The Power of Inspiration" along with other writing platforms allows me to pay tribute to people who have inspired me or positively influenced my life in some manner.

Reflection- My goal is to consistently improve in the various roles that I fulfill in my life. When I write,  it allows me the time for deep contemplation of the way things are currently, or how they can improve in the future. Ultimately my personal and professional growth occurs as a result of the time that I invest in reflective practices. My writing contributes tremendously to the growth  that I continue to strive for and hopefully attain.

Why do I write? There is no easy answer. 

 I write to elevate a love of life life long learning. 

I write to celebrate others and their achievements.

 I write to inspire. 

I write  to show gratitude. 

 Hopefully my writing will continue to have a positive influence on my life and with a little luck the lives of my readers.

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